Latest Additions
Here is a chronological list of additions to the site.
A lovely winter morning in Horokiwi
24/07/2019 11:00pm
Petone to Grenada link road on hold till 2028
Press release from NZTA advising that the P2G link road will not proceed in the near future. 10/04/2019 6:36pm
community association meeting
Meeting to be held 30 June 2018 20/06/2018 3:10pm
Motorcycle accident during race
Motorcycle racing in Horokiwi 05/02/2018 9:35pm
Survey map of Horokiwi Rd - 1891
Larger version of 'Horokiwi Rd map' 05/02/2018 12:00am
Horokiwi map 1913
Map of Horokiwi and surrounding areas circa 1913 04/02/2018 9:51pm
NZTA Petone to Grenada Evaluation Report
18/12/2017 10:18am
p2g - back to drawing board
The current Petone to Grenada Link Road current plans have been discarded.
NZTA Press release - 15/12/2017 4:49pm
Plant Swap
27/09/2017 8:14pm
2017 Elections Meet the Candidates
Meeting organised by the Johnsonville Community Association where we can meet the 2017 General Election candidates. 21/08/2017 10:26am
Gorse & Goat - 1 July 2017
27/06/2017 4:23pm
Some common and not so common Horokiwi terms. 27/06/2017 4:23pm
AGM held at no 2 Hillcroft Rd on the 17 March 2017 17/05/2017 5:43pm
AGM 2017 - Chair's Report
17/05/2017 5:39pm
HCA Rules
HCA Rules 25/03/2017 7:24pm
Latest newsletter
25/03/2017 7:18pm
Horokiwi AGM and BBQ 18/03/2017 10:23am
NZTA-HCA Minutes
Minutes of the meeting between NZTA and the Community Association Dec 2016 23/01/2017 12:05pm
Storm - November 2016
The storm that followed the November earthquake 21/12/2016 3:36pm
NZTA Community Survey
Survey by NZTA on Horokiwi residents travel and transport patterns. 20/09/2016 11:32pm
HCA P2G survey
Survey by the Horokiwi Community Association of residents views on the Petone to Grenada Link Road 22/08/2016 7:56pm
Community Meeting 12 June 16 minutes
Minutes of the community meeting on 12 June 2016 17/06/2016 3:08am
Community Meeting 12June16 summary
Summary of the community meeting on 12 June 2016 17/06/2016 3:05am
Communiity meeting agenda
08/06/2016 9:21pm
Fencing Contractor
True Fencing Fencing Contractors 24/03/2016 3:59pm
Community Meeting
Meeting to discuss the current NZTA proposal and decide on a course of action at this crucial stage. 24/03/2016 3:50pm
Route map - march 2016
Map used at the meeting with the community at the Quarry, March 4 2016 24/03/2016 3:22pm
Petone to Grenada link road planning meeting
Connections to Horokiwi
Meeting agenda 03/03/2016 5:28pm
Broadband Internet
Here now. 26/11/2015 11:03pm
Link Road route decided
NZTA has decided on a preferred route for the Petone to Grenada Link Road 22/11/2015 4:31pm
NZ Fire Service Property Risk leaflet
Tips and recommendations for keeping rural properties safe from fire. 12/11/2015 5:51pm
All Newsletters
24/08/2015 6:18pm
Regional Plan Review
Submissions on the proposed Natural Resources Plan close on 25 Sept 2015 17/08/2015 12:04am
Early Settlers
Earliest history of Horokiwi, Korokoro and Pito-one 11/08/2015 5:55am
Horokiwi Road Map
General Survey Department of New Zealand map of Horokiwi Rd. 29/07/2015 9:23pm
Petone Photos
Pictures of the Cornish St / Korokoro Stream area 29/07/2015 9:19pm
Internet in Horokiwi
28/07/2015 12:52am
Horokiwi, A Brief History
A school project by Ella Stevens. 26/07/2015 8:47pm
Google camera car
25/07/2015 10:14pm
Website Info
Brief introduction to the Horokiwi website 23/07/2015 4:25am
Garden Tour 2010
21/07/2015 11:33pm
Garden Tour 2008
21/07/2015 11:31pm
Horokiwi misses out
1970s newspaper article about Horokiwi's rates. 10/07/2015 5:33am
Quarry Photos - Then and Now
A collection of old photos of the quarry area, with current day comparisons 10/07/2015 3:11am
A sample picture 10/07/2015 2:48am
Storm - 2013
One of the most severe storms to hit Wellington. 10/07/2015 2:45am
Snow - 2011
Four days of snow isolates Horokiwi. 10/07/2015 2:41am
The Roil House
Some photos of the remains of the old Roil house, where the driveway to nos. 346/348 is now. 08/07/2015 10:26pm
Map 1
Ariel photograph of the northern part of Horokiwi, probably some time around the 1970s.
Courtesy of Marty. 28/06/2015 6:02pm
McRea house
The McRea House, opposite the notice board, destroyed by fire.
Photo circa 1986, courtesy of the Stevens family. 28/06/2015 5:48pm
Horokiwi Rural Community Plan
The Horokiwi Rural Community Plan, developed by the Horokiwi Community Association and the Wellington City Council. 17/06/2015 2:44am